Do not hope that the hook will save any video, be creative, use hooks as inspiration! Make sure that your video reveals the topic, is interesting and engaging.

  1. If you do ____ you need to hear this!!
  2. Want to know the secret to ____?
  3. You won’t believe ____
  4. ____ things I wish I knew before I _____
  5. How I got ___ in 24 hours
  6. This single important tip will change your life:
  7. I never leave the house without ____
  8. Before you scroll ____
  9. I spent ____ years designing this
  10. For my male/female audience
  11. If you like ____ you’re gonna like/hate this
  12. You won't believe this ___ hack!
  13. 4 mistakes you're making on/with
  14. My secret strategy to____
  15. Have you heard about ___?
  16. Proven ways to___
  17. Are you guilty of___?